Resources: Working papers

From growth to green investment diagnostics

Author(s) : Spratt, S; Pueyo, A; Bawakyillenuo, S; Osiolo, H. H. Publication date : 29 July 2016 Publication type : Working paper Abstract : The need to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy systems is now broadly accepted, and our understanding of how different policy mechanisms can support...

Green growth diagnostics for Africa: literature review and scoping study

Author(s) : Pueyo, A; Spratt, S; Schmitz, H; Willenbockel, D; Dent, C; Wade, N; Crossland, A Publication date : 20 May 2015 Publication type : Working paper Summary : This paper reviews the literature for a project which seeks to develop a new Green Growth Diagnostics methodology and apply it to...

Energy and urbanisation in Samset countries: a synthesis of three reviews of context and literature

Author(s) : Batchelor, S; Smith, J; Bawakyillenuo, S; Agbelie, I; Mann, D; Namukisa, J; Ndibwami, A; Borchers, M; Euston-Brown, M; Ndlovu, M Publication date : 30 September 2014 Publication type : Working paper Abstract : This paper seeks to synthesise three country-level literature review reports...

Decentralisation in sub-Saharan Africa: prevalence, scope and challenges

Author(s) : Batchelor, S; Smith, J; Fleming, J Publication date : August 2014 Publication type : Working paper The working paper can be viewed here .

Beyond literacy and knowledge: energy proficiency for decentralised governance

Author(s) : Batchelor, S; Smith, J Publication date : July 2014 Publication type : Working paper The working paper can be viewed here .

The political economy of low carbon energy in Kenya

Author(s) : Newell, P; Phillips, J; Pueyo, A; Kirumba, E; Ozor, N; Urama, K Publication date : 20 June 2014 Publication type : Working paper Summary : There is growing international focus on how to support more integrated approaches to addressing climate change in ways that capture synergies and...