PhD studentship available: Smart Cooking Solutions for ALL (SCS4ALL), University College London

£17,280 per annum

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship jointly funded by BBOXX and UCL Engineering, entitled 'Smart Cooking Solutions for ALL (SCS4ALL).  The studentship is for a full-time doctorate over three and a half years. 

The scholarship covers UCL registration fees and provides a stipend of £17,280 per annum tax free. Research equipment and part travel expenses for one trip per annum will also be covered under the funding.

The lack of access to modern energy services continues to be the reality for over a billion people worldwide. In Sub-Saharan Africa, 65% of the population (37% in urban and over 80% in rural areas) live off the grid  and have to rely on polluting fuels such as candles, kerosene, charcoal and wood for lighting and cooking. There is a growing need for research into innovative solutions for making clean cooking fuels accessible. This research will build on the innovative work of BBOXX (, a next generation utility unlocking potential through energy access. With headquarters in London and operations in 12 countries including Rwanda, Kenya, Togo, DRC and Pakistan BBOXX offers pay-as-you-go solar power. At the heart of BBOXX is their pioneering management platform, called Pulse, which continuously collects data and insights.  BBOXX are exploring the potential to use their management platforms to enable improved access to LPG to have a positive impact on households who currently use charcoal.

For further information on application requirements and eligibility, please refer to the link below. 

Closing date 30 June 2019. 

Studentship start date 1 October 2019. 

Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering
University College London
United Kingdom