RGS 2020 - Rethinking Barriers to Sustainable Energy Access
An online session for the Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference this year is being organized entitled ‘Rethinking Barriers to Sustainable Rural Energy Access. If you would like to submit an abstract could you please email it to:
by the 12th of February.
We will be in touch towards the end of February to let you know if your abstract has been selected.
This session was organized last year but the RGS 2020 conference was cancelled and not many abstracts from researchers in the Global South were received last year. As this session can be held online this year we feel we are better supported to make it more inclusive and would like to specifically invite researchers from the Global South to submit abstracts.
The dates of the conference are 31st August to the 3rd September 2021 – the date of this session has not been decided yet. The sessions will run according to the GMT time zone, but we can request to hold our sessions at suitable times for our presenters.
The costs for online participation and registration can be found here:
The RGS does not offer support for attendance but we can help you find and apply for support through other means (some of the RGS research groups offer conference attendance support). However, we cannot guarantee the outcome of the application.
Please see RGS website information on the conference: https://www.rgs.org/research/annual-international-conference/key-dates-a...
Please be aware the guidance this year has changed and contributors ONE paper presentation and ONE panel contribution, OR, TWO panel contributions.: https://www.rgs.org/research/annual-international-conference/call/guidan...
We look forward to seeing you soon!