The LCEDN team is delighted to welcome Harry Jia as a Summer Research Student over the next 10 weeks (funded by an EPSRC Vacation Research Bursary). He will contribute to several ongoing research projects. Harry has written the blog post below to introduce himself and outline what he hopes to achieve.
I am very excited to begin my role with the EPSRC vacation bursary and to assist with several funded projects throughout my 10-week stay at Loughborough University. My interest in sustainability management is growing. This opportunity provides an invaluable experience and a greater insight into Low-Carbon Energy, regionally, as well as numerous locations across the world. I believe that environmental science/sustainability and its subsequent impact on communities, processes, and systems will become an even greater influence for the future.
As a student studying geography, this opportunity also directly assists me with my dissertation topic for the upcoming academic year and, any subsequent research I would potentially be undertaking for the remainder of this summer. My research dissertation examines and recommends appropriate locations for ‘Energy from Waste’ facilities as a primary alternative to landfill management and waste sites around the United Kingdom. I understand that achieving sustainability is everyone’s interest, however, it still remains a challenge for policy makers and its necessary stakeholders to define this term and to turn it into practice.
My previous experiences have all been voluntary – usually as a student undertaking local community initiatives set up by non-profit organisations in Hong Kong. At Crossroads Foundation, I contributed towards development on a regional scale while helping in the logistics department that valued highly the export of provisional aid to countries in need (aid that would be of short and long-term benefit for local communities in disaster-stricken areas). Working with Ark Eden was the first opportunity I had in terms of participating in local sustainability initiatives. We were tasked to help with conservation programmes – through the replenishment of lost forestry on Mui Wo Island.
I hope this 10-week experience will allow me to learn and acquire a greater understanding of LCEDN project activities that include, renewable energy and international development. I look forward to contributing where help is needed!