Blog: Jul 2018

The Better Solar Network next steps

31 July 2018

We are delighted to publish the third and final blog written by Mariana Cover, who is undertaking a three month placement with Better Solar supporting the development of an international network working to support social and environmental justice across global solar supply chains. The placement is funded by the LCEDN and is based at the University of Edinburgh.

After three months of hard work, the Better Solar Network has been formed and launched!


Project launched: Research collaborations for community energy resilience

30 July 2018

The LCEDN is partnering with the applied research programme on Energy and Economic Growth (EEG) led by Oxford Policy Management and funded by UK Department for International Development to catalyse new research collaborations on community energy resilience in low-income countries. The project is supported by the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)...

LCEDN team welcomes Harry Jia as Summer Research Student

23 July 2018

The LCEDN team is delighted to welcome Harry Jia as a Summer Research Student over the next 10 weeks (funded by an EPSRC Vacation Research Bursary). He will contribute to several ongoing research projects. Harry has written the blog post below to introduce himself and outline what he hopes to achieve.

I am very excited to begin my role with the EPSRC vacation bursary and to assist with several funded projects throughout my 10-week stay at Loughborough University. My...

EEG launches call for applications for new Ethiopia country programme

16 July 2018

The DFID-Funded Energy and Econopmic Growth programme have recently announced a call for Research proposals for work in Ethiopia.

Widening energy access and securing reliable energy services is fundamental to the Government of Ethiopia’s Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II) to transform the country into a major manufacturing hub, and to address some of the intractable development and poverty challenges the country faces.

Following consultations with key government...